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Walk a Mile in Her Shoes


On September 30th, Safespace held their annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, a dramatic opportunity to raise awareness in your community about the serious causes, effects, and remediations to men's sexualized violence.


The Gabby Petito Foundation was proud to participate in the annual SafeSpace event Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® in September of 2022. 

According to the website, since 2001, men, women and their families from around the world have joined Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®, the International Men’s March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault and Gender Violence. This is a dramatic opportunity to raise awareness about the serious causes, effects and treatment of sexual violence against men in your community.

You must also be wondering why men wear high heels.

We ask men to actively confront gender stereotypes and expectations for women to walk in their heels. In this space of playful confrontation and openness, it is possible to reveal and consider the many underlying causes of male sexual violence with less defensiveness and denial.

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